Suzhou Image Technology Co., Ltd

Why Holographic Custom Stickers Are Necessary for Packaging?

With the rising safety awareness among consumers, they ask for a secure, healthy, and environment-friendly packaging style. To cater to the market requirements, more and more brand owners have started to employ custom hologram stickers on their packaging to guarantee that the products their consumers purchase are genuine.

holographic custom stickers for cosmetic packaging applications

Holographic custom stickers can prevent falsification, build a brand image, and avoid significant financial losses. Thus, they are crucial for packaging and play a vital role in maintaining secure packaging.

Consumers tend to prefer products with holographic stickers, as these stickers signal that brand owners are committed to providing genuine products. This helps brands create goodwill and leave a positive impression on their customers.

Here are three key reasons why using custom holographic labels in packaging is important:

Add an Eye-catching Feature to Your Packaging

Holograms display different colors when viewed from different angles, adding a shiny visual appeal to your packaging that grabs customers’ attention.

Protect Brand Products from Forgery

Producing hologram custom labels requires professional technicians and equipment. These labels can’t be replicated without the original hologram master. They feature overt, covert, and forensic elements that protect brands against counterfeiting. Combined with QR code authentication, they further verify the product’s genuineness.

hologram custom labels with QR code authentication system

Enhance the Brand Image

At Image Technology, we design unique hologram stickers, embedding customized logos, brand names, and text into the hologram image. This helps customers quickly identify the brand by looking at the stickers.

In today’s crowded market, custom-made hologram stickers secure products from tampering and duplication, ensuring their authenticity. This benefits both suppliers and clients.

Suzhou Image aims to be the leading enterprise in the micro-nano optical decoration and security field. Our mission is to develop customized holographic stickers that are exceptionally difficult for counterfeiters to replicate, ensuring easy identification of authenticity everywhere.

When counterfeiters find ways to fake our products, we develop new, higher-level security features for our stickers. By partnering with us, you don’t need to worry about your products being counterfeited. If you need tailor-made security solutions or face counterfeiting issues, feel free to contact us.


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